Project reportsA global development framework after 2015: Engaging poor people in its formulationThis is a report of a workshop which began to identify the major components of a strategy to engage poor peo…Learn MorePractical guidanceMaking the case for public engagementThis Involve and Consumer Focus Toolkit demonstrates how to make the case for engagement using monetary term…Learn MorePractical guidanceDeliberative Public Engagement – Nine PrinciplesThe aim of this document is to encourage and support good quality deliberative public engagement activities.…Learn MoreProject reportsSurveying Open Government in the OECDThese documents are the result of Involve’s work with the OECD to develop indicators for measuring open go…Learn MoreResearchBest value statutory guidance consultation: Involve responseThis document sets out Involve’s response to the Government’s plan to repeal the Duty to Involve. In…Learn MoreProject reportsLocal Society 2011The report draws out the main points that developed over the course of the Local Society seminar. The sem…Learn MorePractical guidanceNot another consultation!Not another consultation! Making community engagement informal and fun is a practical guide to events that c…Learn MoreProject reportsNudge, Think or Shove: Shifting values and attitudes towards sustainabilityThe paper considers the benefits and drawbacks of ‘nudge’, ‘think’ and ‘shove’, and explores how…Learn MoreProject reportsECI: ‘A Space inside Europe for the Public’ before ‘A European Public Space’This briefing paper explores the potential of the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI), to be launched on 1…Learn More PagesFirst ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 next › Last