2019 saw many local authorities across the UK declare a climate emergency. Many national and local governments turned to deliberative democratic processes as a way to meaningfully engage with members of the public to inform appropriate responses to the climate crisis.This page contains a collection of 15 case studies of recently commissioned citizens' assemblies and citizens' juries on climate change from across the UK.

Due to COVID-19, many of these case studies have changed as processes have moved online or been temporarily put on hold. 

What is a citizens’ assembly and a citizens’ jury?

A citizens’ assembly is a group of people who are brought together to discuss an issue or several issues and reach a conclusion about what they think should happen. The people who take part are chosen so they reflect the wider population – in terms of demographics. Citizens’ assemblies give members of the public the time and opportunity to learn about and discuss a topic, before reaching conclusions. Assembly members are asked to make trade-offs and arrive at workable recommendations.

A key difference between a citizens’ assembly and a jury is the number of people who take part – an assembly often has no less than 40 people, whereas a jury is often around 20-30 people. 

The Case Studies

A brief overview of each case study can be found in the table below. For more detailed information about the case studies, please click here to access the full PDFPlease do contact us know if you require this document in an alternative format.



Engagement Method


Number of Participants


Camden Citizens' Assembly on the Climate Crisis

It was described as the first CA on climate change to be run by a local authority in the UK, however, due to the lack of time devoted to the process (12 hours in total), under the standards now evolving for CAs, this would now not likely be considered a CA

The CA was asked to address the question: “We are now facing a climate and ecological crisis. How can the council and the people of Camden help limit the impact of climate change while protecting and enhancing our natural environment? – What do we need to do in our homes, neighbourhoods, council and country?”

50 randomly selected residents from Camden

July 2019

Brent Climate Citizens’ Assembly

Citizens' Assembly supported by Brent Climate Assembly Common Place platform

To consider: “How can we work together to limit climate change and its impact, whilst protecting our environment, health and wellbeing? Consider the Council, businesses, organisations and individuals”

50 randomly selected citizens from Brent 

November - December 2019

Jersey Carbon Neutral Citizen’s Assembly

Citizens' Assembly

To consider: “How should we work together to become carbon neutral?” to make recommendations as it sees fit and to report to the States Assembly and Government

At least 49 citizens, randomly selected to be broadly representative of Jersey society


Scotland's Climate Assembly

Citizens' Assembly

'How should Scotland change to tackle the climate emergency in an effective and fair way?'

100 residents of Scotland selected through a postal civic lottery 

November 2020 - March 2021

Climate Assembly UK

Citizens' Assembly

‘Climate Assembly UK: the path to net zero’ will consider how the UK can meet the Government’s legally binding target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050

110 members selected through sortition

January - May 2020

Devon Net Zero Citizens’ Assembly

Citizens' Assembly

The Devon Net Zero CA will discuss and generate recommendations to feed into the Devon Carbon Plan, with deliberations focused around specific challenges pertinent to the Devon area in achieving net zero emissions, including discussions of the potential trade-offs involved in different strategies

100 citizens aged 16 years and over, representative of the entire Devon population


Leeds Climate Change Citizens’ Jury

Citizens' Jury

Jurors were asked to consider the question: “What should Leeds do about the emergency of climate change?”

25 people were recruited via sortition by the Sortition Foundation

September -November 2019

Lancaster People’s Jury on Climate Change

It is a Citizen’s jury, but the name was changed to People’s jury, as the Council felt that the word ‘citizens’ was too exclusive and preferred the term ‘people’s jury’

The jury will answer the question: “What do we need to do in our homes, neighbourhoods and district to respond to the emergency of Climate Change?”

30 Jury’s members were selected to reflect the make-up of the district

Feburary - September 2020

Kendal Climate Change Citizens’ Jury

Citizens' Jury

To decide on a set of recommendations on what Kendal should do about the emergency of climate change

20 randomly selected local residents who will be a mini version of Kendal’s public


Newham Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change

Citizens' Assembly

To develop recommendations in response to the question: “How can the council and residents work together to reach the aspiration of being carbon zero by 2050 at the latest?”

43 citizens selected through the Sortition Foundation

February 2020

Oxford Citizens Assembly on Climate Change

Citizens' Assembly

To ask the CA to answer the question “The UK Government has legislation to reach ‘net zero’ carbon by 2050. Should Oxford be more proactive and seek to achieve ’net zero’ sooner than 2050 and what trade-offs are we prepared to make?”

50 Assembly Members were brought together using a representative panel

September - October 2019

Brighton and Hove Climate Assembly

Citizens' Assembly

The Climate Assembly will recommend and prioritise practical actions the city can take to become carbon neutral by 2030 and will be used as part of wider consultations on city plans and strategies such as the Local Transport Plan.

53 local residents to create a “mini-public” that is representative of the wider population


Leicester Climate Assembly

The Assembly (which was not a Citizen’s Assembly as per the standards) was run by RSA using their TalkShop methodology) 

The event formed part of Leicester’s Climate Conversation; three months of engagement with citizens to determine a roadmap to carbon neutrality. The council did not have the resources to convene a formal Citizens’ Assembly but wanted to challenge ‘business as usual’ consultation in the development of the action plan and get more people involved through a process of deliberative democracy. The climate assembly was attempted to “put Leicester in a room”

50 Leicester residents were selected against anonymous demographic data to reflect the diversity of the wider population

January 2020

Climate Assembly for Adur and Worthing


The Assembly will aim to create a robust, independent and representative engagement approach with our local communities on climate change and ecological issues



Please get in touch if you require the PDF in a different format.

Case studies produced by: Claire Mellier-Wilson and Sarah Toy, March 2020.