NewsCalum GreenUK Government backslides on commitments to open government in new National Action PlanThe UK Government has made last minute changes to its Open Government National Action Plan (NAP), ignoring c…Learn MoreJobsCalum GreenWe're hiring! Communications and Advocacy Officer [CLOSED]Involve is at the vanguard of changing our democracy. Combining innovative, high-quality practice with makin…Learn MoreOpinionJon AlexanderThe Democracy of Consumers is dying. Now we must build a Democracy of Citizens.This piece is #8 in the 'Visions for the Future of Democracy' series curated by Involve for its 15th anniver…Learn MoreNewsDeveloping a Data Charter with ResidentsYesterday, Camden Council agreed a new Data Charter. The Charter puts local residents at the heart of the de…Learn MoreOpinionDr Dayo EseonuReaching the promised land of inclusive democracyThis piece is #7 in the 'Visions for the Future of Democracy' series curated by Involve for its 15th anniver…Learn MoreOpinionRebekah McCabePutting People First - Our Response to NI's Green Growth StrategyLate last year, DAERA (Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs) published their draft Gree…Learn MoreOpinionMarilyn TaylorDialogue as a way of life: where democracy startsThis piece is #6 in the 'Visions for the Future of Democracy' series curated by Involve for its 15th anniver…Learn MoreOpinionEd MayoOne Worker, One VoteThis piece is #5 in the 'Visions for the Future of Democracy' series curated by Involve for its 15th anniver…Learn MoreOpinionJessie Joe Jacobs£20 million, 3 million children fed and a movement started… with just one tweet?On 19 March this year, a day after it was announced that schools would be closing across the UK, Marcus Rash…Learn More PagesFirst ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … next › Last