Place partnerships for local economic growthParticipation Through PartnershipsWe want communities to be at the heart of the levelling up agenda and for communities to be involved in solv…Learn MoreThe People's Assembly for Nature, part of The People's Plan for Nature Building a public mandate for a People's Plan for NatureBackground to the People’s Plan for Nature The People’s Plan for Nature aims to be the UK’s biggest…Learn MorePioneering innovation & practiceHow can Scotland deliver a minimum income guarantee for all?Background The Programme for Government 2021-22, A Fairer Greener Scotland, set out the Scottish Governme…Learn MoreLocal Climate Engagement How can local authorities engage the public on climate decision-making?Avoiding the worst effects of climate change will be the biggest challenge in human history. Local authoriti…Learn MoreIn FocusCitizens' Assembly on Democracy in the UKHow should the UK's democracy work?Many questions have been raised in recent years about how well democracy is functioning in the UK right now.…Learn MoreA Democratic Response to Covid-19What role should the public play in the Covid-19 recovery?From the transition out of lockdown to the terms of the economic stimulus, significant decisions will be tak…Learn MoreFuture Grenfell Support ProgrammeFuture Grenfell Support ProgrammeCollaborate CiC and Involve are currently working in partnership as the External Scrutiny Team, as part of t…Learn MorePutting the 'Us' in HoUSingHow Can We Meaningfully Involve People Affected by Poor Housing and Homelessness in Policy Decisions? In 2022, Involve was commissioned by NI charity Housing Rights to carry out research into the meaningful inv…Learn MoreLeadership for Healthy People and PlanetHow can we accelerate integrated Policy and Action on Health and Environment?Leadership for Healthy People and Planet is a collaboration between the Queen's University Belfast Centre fo…Learn More Pages1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 next › Last